Torsional Vibration Dampers

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Torsional Vibration Dampers

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Torsional Vibration Dampers

The Torsional Vibration Damper

The crankshaft generates vibrations and rotational irregularities which can be transmitted via the belt pulley and the belt to the belt drive, placing a strain on all ancillary units. Torsional vibration dampers (TVD) neutralize the vibrations with their integrated rubber track. Torsional vibration damper isolators (TVDi) additionally isolate the belt drive using a second rubber track, allowing them to absorb the crankshaft’s rotational irregularities too.

An increasing number of TVD models are being supplied complete with the necessary fastening components, such as expansion screws or diamond washers, meaning there is no longer any need to order them separately. As a result, mechanics have all the parts they require for the job close to hand. These TVD models have the suffix “S” at the end of the model name.

New: our torsional vibration dampers with integral overrunning function decouple the belt drive from the crankshaft and isolate high torsional vibrations. This paves the way for a low belt tension and reduces belt friction. As a result, the strain on all components in the belt drive is eased and there are gains for the environment too thanks to lower carbon emissions. 

Design and function

A TVD consists essentially of:

A) Flywheel
B) Belt pulley
C) Damping elastomer track
D) Sliding bearing
E) Coupling elastomer track (only in case of TVDi)

Torsional Vibration Dampers
Torsional Vibration Dampers

The rotating flywheel stabilizes the belt drive. Vibrations in the crankshaft are absorbed by the elastomer track (C). The inner elastomer track (E) damps the cyclic irregularities in the crankshaft.


Replacement interval:

Torsional vibration dampers (TVD) are subject to aging and wear and therefore have to be regularly checked and replaced. Continental recommends inspecting the TVD every 60,000 km and, if in doubt, changing it every 120,000 km.


  • Store in a dry, dust-free and cool place (ideally 15-25°C)
  • Avoid contact with all liquids (oil, water etc.)


  • Faulty torsional vibration dampers are often the cause of noise or damage in the belt drive (e.g. tensioner)
  • Check the TVD for damage every time the belt is changed