Design and function
An elastic multi V-belt consists essentially of:
A + C) Synthetic rubber, sometimes fiber-reinforced
B) Elastic polyester tension member

Unlike normal multi V-belts, the Elast belt has an elastic tension member. The belt is fitted under load and maintains its tension automatically. The belt drive does not have a tensioning pulley.
Replacement interval:
Elastic multi V-belts are subject to aging and wear. They therefore have to be regularly checked and replaced. The checking and replacement intervals are always specified by the vehicle manufacturer and must be complied with.
Continental recommends changing the belt every 120,000 km if in doubt.
- Store in a dry, dust-free and cool place (ideally 15-25°C)
- Avoid direct sunlight
- Avoid contact with all liquids (oil, water etc.)
- Maximum storage period: 5 years from date of production
- Elastic multi V-belts must never be replaced by normal multi V-belts
- Continental also offers practical sets with an Multi V-Belt Elast + Tool for many drives
- Elastic multi V-belts can be re-used if they were not damaged during removal
- May only be used in vehicles factory-fitted with elastic belts
- Can only be fitted using Continental special tool
- Determine belt wear using Conti Belt Wear Tester (BWT)