Continental has developed this easy-to-use gauge that tells you and your customers when its time to replace a belt.

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Continental Belt Wear Gauge
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Continental Belt Wear Gauge
1. The tooth side lets you perform a quick profile wear test.
2. The narrow side test for overall and/or uneven wear.

Uneven Wear Test
- Press the narrow edge of the gauge into each belt groove
- The edge should not "bottom out" in any of the grooves

Profile Test
- Use the tooth edge of the tool
- Press the teeth of the gauge into the belt grooves
- The teeth should fit snugly into each groove. If not, the belt may need to be replaced
* This test result does not replace a professional diagnosis
Caution: Before working on a vehicle, turn off the engine. Consult the vehicle's Owners Manual for recommended belt replacement intervals.
See video of the belt gauge in action:
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